Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Baby Love

I am really not a baby person, really I'm not.  I am always crazy about my own kids of course, and older kids in general, but when I see a baby as I shop or go out anywhere, I don't stop to coo, gurgle, fancy his personality, or guess her thoughts.  I have discovered, each time I have another child, that many others are baby people.  I get stopped everywhere and anywhere by others, so they can chat a moment with the kids, especially during the baby years!

Now that my older kids are four and six, I can see why others like the baby years.  Little Jack is so stinkin' cute!  I forgot about this endearing period of time and it's making me wonder if after these years are gone, I will become one of those "baby people."  I know I am definitely cooing a lot with Baby Jax, one of my many terms of endearment for my little, sweet, adorable, huggable, super-cuter, bebe!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you blogging! I'm a follower!! Yeah, Christa!
