We are almost done with our homeschooling year of one first grader and one preschooler. One of my greatest triumphs and hardships both, this year, has been schooling my girls. I planned a homeschool year of fun field trips, creative projects, and a lot of good lessons together. I had this kind of a year, in many ways, but in so many other ways, it was not as great as I thought. In other ways, the life lessons learned, and the time spent, were far greater. I know it's one of those times when, as the cliche goes, "I made plans and God laughed." Not a sinister laugh, my any means, but a laugh of "I-know-what's best-better-than-you." And He did, too. I got a super-duper wonderful new son out of the deal. It's just that I ended up spending my first year in a new state, and the entire school year pregnant, with the exception of April/May/June in which I have been recovering and nursing a newborn infant.
Things I have learned during this time may surpass the things my kids have learned in their year of school, especially in terms of life lessons. I learned that God gave me a lot of support to get through my unexpected pregnancy (I can be a bit of a control freak so it through me off just a tad), I learned that God carried me through moments of pain, doubt and fatigue, I learned the power of the prayers of the saints' (all the folks praying for me), I learned that God had given me children that adore the new baby (I had no idea they'd love him so much!), and I learned that God would give me everything I needed to do this past school year well.
The kids? Well, somehow they learned a lot too. They got good "school" education and plenty of life education, they learned to cooperate and be assertive at several playgroups or "school" events a week, have successfully gotten through two recitals, have begun a new sport, have done a ton of chores, they both learned to read, do math better, swim better, and they learned a lot about our country's beginnings. The harder life lessons were that my oldest definitely feels the pangs of 1st grade "reality testing" - that life from this point forward is much more and also harder than coloring, crafts, and abc songs. My preschooler/almost kindergartener, learned that schoolwork can be challenging, and that being a bigger kid requires being brave and a little more independent and focused. They learned mommy has limits, but that God does not, thankfully. They've had such a great year, thanks be to God!!
Now that we are done with this part of the journey, I wait impatiently to know more of our story - I love secure plans. There is a lot up in the air though, and I am sometimes anxiously wondering how the next chapter goes. If I know anything, I know giving the specific answers early is definitely not God's chosen way of doing things with me, but He does give me the most important pieces of information during my wait. His peace that surpasses all understanding, His infinite mercies, His great love, His victory over the sting of death, His promise to be a lamp before my feet and a light before my path, and much, much more, not the least of which, a great family by my side to bless the whole journey!
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