Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Little Things

Well, it's been awhile since I have written here and so much has changed.  I have had some big loss, started a new, dream of a lifetime business, my son is almost a year old and really active, I've become more physically fit, and my girls and husband are doing well, thank God.  It's been an amazing and intense and terrible and wonderful time, many days its been all of that in different moments.  Occasionally, though not very often, in these past few months, it's even been pretty bland.

I am finding that when life gets bland or over-the-top stressful, the little things are helping me through as much as the big ones.  I know the big things need to be in pretty good working order to even have a chance at thriving, but if you also get the little things right, SCORE!

Lately, the little things have helped me find my groove.  Today, I got some moments of door-locked, moments alone this morning, and even though there were several interruptions, I relished the sweet seconds of taking a bath, reading Anne of Green Gables, and eating salt and vinegar chips, a delicious sandwich, and an apple and cupcake - all at once and without sharing a bite.  It was marvelous, and I think if I remembered to do something like that - can't be the same combo as I bore fairly easily - each day, life would be even sweeter, or saltier at least :)  Yesterday, when I was at my wits end, I took a 20 minute break at the gym and got on my knees after and reconnected with God, and the stress melted off like nothing else.  Another day I blared music and found peace and joy, even though the song was sad. It wasn't the million dollar moments you hear about that brought me the peace - nope, it is about knowing God and resting on Him, and taking the time to acknowledge stress and trying different things to help me get through it.  When I hit a rough moment in my days, and I cannot find an easy solution, I am learning to trust that joy is around the bend and life will soon be sweet again after I've gotten rest or healing or found a path to reduce stress.  I am learning to rely on only God's good things to get through the trials too, rather than trying to find worldly peace.  It is a great gift to me and those I influence when I am walking with the Lord, and finding joy in the little things.

1 comment:

  1. lovely, Christa! Very Anne of Green Gables and so glad we are kindred spirits....keep writing because I love to read it...
