Thursday, May 31, 2012

Calgon...Take Me Away!

I just realized I have not had a physical break from the kids in ten or more days.  And furthermore, no kidie bedtimes before my own either.  How did this happen?  Travel, forgetfulness, love, stupidity?  Probably all of the above.

We used to be so good with taking a time out at night to ourselves, and lately we've grown....overly responsible.  I think my hubby and I need to seriously chill!  I am going to go out tonight by myself while he watches kids (trusting God to fill hubby's cup), though I am seriously tired, just to get a quick breather.  If needed, I will do whatever it takes, and if anyone reads this (not published yet) remind me never to go that long without a break again!  (Did I mention I have a 9 week old I am nursing and who kept me up half the night, and I don't nap or drink caffeine?)  Love that God is good, need to let Him handle things more instead of trying to "do it all."

And it was wonderful.....went to coffee with a friend and had a great time laughing and relaxing!

The Mommy-Merry-Go Round

Taking time out for refreshment is as basic as it gets as far as trying to maintain a healthy well-being goes.  So why do I, a knowing therapist, find it so hard to carve out the moments for it?  Well, parenting three little children (one nursing), teaching, trying to be a therapist in Florida (working on transferring credentials from Michigan), trying to be a great wife, writer, and most of all Christian, keep me on the mommy-merry-go round.  It can get pretty intense at times.  Fun, like any merry-go-round, but not without its wild moments where you are gripping the handlebars and hanging on for dear life, wondering why you ever got on this thing! Still, I have always loved a good merry-go-round...

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to that purpose, to carving out a few moments a day to just unwind, to acknowledge the sacred and wonderful moments of parenting I don't want to dismiss entirely as a wonderful blur in the later years of life, and to simply write because I love to write.  I make it public because if someone is touched along the way, or wants to walk together for a short while on this  purposeful ride, then that's another great thing!