Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Mommy-Merry-Go Round

Taking time out for refreshment is as basic as it gets as far as trying to maintain a healthy well-being goes.  So why do I, a knowing therapist, find it so hard to carve out the moments for it?  Well, parenting three little children (one nursing), teaching, trying to be a therapist in Florida (working on transferring credentials from Michigan), trying to be a great wife, writer, and most of all Christian, keep me on the mommy-merry-go round.  It can get pretty intense at times.  Fun, like any merry-go-round, but not without its wild moments where you are gripping the handlebars and hanging on for dear life, wondering why you ever got on this thing! Still, I have always loved a good merry-go-round...

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to that purpose, to carving out a few moments a day to just unwind, to acknowledge the sacred and wonderful moments of parenting I don't want to dismiss entirely as a wonderful blur in the later years of life, and to simply write because I love to write.  I make it public because if someone is touched along the way, or wants to walk together for a short while on this  purposeful ride, then that's another great thing!

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